Information about +2651840745

Trace Owner details of +2651840745


+2651840745 is business number, listed for Phalombe Hardware "Let's Build" - Limbe Branch. Phalombe Hardware "Let's Build" - Limbe Branch is a Hardware store in Malawi. The contact address of +2651840745 is Opposite Standard Bank in Limbe, Livingstone Ave, Limbe, Malawi. More information for +2651840745 can be found on their website Phalombe Hardware "Let's Build" - Limbe Branch business has a rating of 4.8 out of 5.

Business Name Phalombe Hardware "Let's Build" - Limbe Branch
Business Address Opposite Standard Bank in Limbe, Livingstone Ave, Limbe, Malawi
Business Website
Business Rating 4.8
Business Category Hardware store

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